Salsa, bachata, kizomba,… and more
Are you thinking of going to a salsa, bachata, kizomba festival, and SBK festival or any other? Are you thinking of going to a salsa marathon? We are going to help you how to find dance festivals around the world.
Maybe you are doing it right now. But, you have not yet decided where, or when, or in what type of congress you will go.
For this reason we would like to introduce you to the Dance Festivals Search Engine. It is a system very easy and very fast, able to show events from every place in the world.
And above all, it’s applauded everywhere for the simplicity and clarity displaying the results on all type of devices: mobile phones, tablets and computers.
Get ready to find any dance festival happening all over the world.
Dance Festivals Search Engine System: meet the requirements
Best way how to find dance festivals is Dance Festivals Search Engine System. Let’s see it.
In the drawing below you see the form asking you what is or what are your requirements to find festivals.
In each search it’s only necessary to fill in one of the fields of the form. Either the field of the type of event, or the field that indicates the date from which you can go to a festival, or the field that indicates until what date you can go to a festival, or in which country you would like to go to a festival and even in which continent you are looking for the congress.
In addition, you can make the combinations you want from the fields. However, if the country field and the continent field are filled in, the search engine will take the country field by default.
The clarity of the resulting data helps you to look for easily combinations between festivals.

After pushing Go button you will get a list with all the festivals that meet the requirements you have inserted.

When you decide on an event, you will get a list with all the data related to it.

And now, you can open the event information that seems interesting to you.
Then, if you press the website option, it will appear to you El Sol festival website, thus allowing you to access all the information about the event.

When you decide to press the Facebook option, you will logically enter his social network and you will be able to see what the most recent actions of the El Sol work team are, and likewise, see comments from people who attend the congress.

Logically, by clicking on the Instagram option, you will be able to see photos, videos, event programming,… and other topics related to the El Sol festival.

Or if you press the YouTube option, the El Sol festival shows videos from previous festivals. This way you will be able to observe a good part of what is lived in the congress.

Logically, not all events will show the same social networks, since it will depend exclusively on the information available to the organization of the event. But, you can always be informed of the latest news about the congress.